ISTAT News | 03 August 2018
The conversation starts here.
Gain access to the right people and establish connections that make a difference in your business. New opportunities await at ISTAT EMEA, 23-25 September at the Hilton Prague.
Join 1,500+ people from around the world and 100+ airlines at this premier networking event. View the list of delegates to see who has already registered.

Networking Opportunities
ISTAT will be hosting a number of networking events in Prague that make it easy for you to connect with colleagues and experience the beautiful city. View the ISTAT EMEA programme for more information on session topics, unique networking events and a variety of meeting space options.

The official hotel for ISTAT EMEA is the Hilton Prague, Pobřezní 1, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín, Czechia. Please note: Delegates, sponsors and exhibitors will receive information on how to make a hotel reservation in their registration confirmation email. Review room rates and more information about the Hilton Prague here.