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ISTAT Member Logos & Usage Policy

Updated March 2023

The following logos (ISTAT, ISTAT Foundation and Appraiser logo) are the property of The International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading® (ISTAT). They may be used by ISTAT members or affiliates in good standing in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below. The logos may not be revised or altered in any way, and must be displayed in the same form as produced by ISTAT.

Any failure by a user to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein may result in the immediate revocation of this license, in addition to any other sanctions imposed ISTAT. The interpretation and enforcement (or lack thereof) of these terms and conditions, and compliance therewith, shall be made by ISTAT in its sole discretion.

Use of the logos shall create no rights for users beyond the terms and conditions of this limited and revocable license. The logos shall remain at all times the sole and exclusive intellectual property of ISTAT and the ISTAT Foundation. ISTAT and the ISTAT Foundation shall have the right, from time to time, to request samples of use of the logos from which it may determine compliance with these terms and conditions. Without further notice, they reserve the right to prohibit use of the logos if it determines, in its sole discretion, that a user's logo usage, whether willful or negligent, is not in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this license, otherwise could discredit ISTAT and/or the ISTAT Foundation or tarnish its reputation and goodwill, or the user is not an ISTAT member or affiliate in good standing.

The logos may not be used in any manner that, in the sole discretion of ISTAT and the ISTAT Foundation: discredits or tarnishes its reputation and goodwill; is false or misleading; violates the rights of others; violates any law, regulation or other public policy; or mischaracterizes the relationship between ISTAT or the ISTAT Foundation and the user, including but not limited to any use of the logos that might be reasonably construed as an endorsement, approval, sponsorship, or certification by ISTAT or the ISTAT Foundation of the user, the user's business or organization, or the user's products or services, or that might be reasonably construed as support or encouragement to purchase or utilize the user's products or services.

Any questions concerning use of the logos or the terms and conditions of this license should be directed to 
ISTAT Headquarters at:

330 N. Wabash Ave., Ste. 2000
Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Tel: +1.312.321.5169
