ISTAT News | 24 February 2020
ISTAT UPdate: 20 February 2020

Spam Notification
We’ve recently been made aware of an increase in fraudulent messages that appear as though they are coming from an ISTAT email address. As with all electronic communications, please be aware and extra cautious when opening messages and clicking on links with which you are not familiar. When you receive emails requesting your response or an action from ISTAT, please take a moment to validate the email address it is being sent from. ISTAT will only ever send formal association correspondence from Should you have any questions or if you would like to verify legitimacy of a message sent to you, please send it for review.
Join ISTAT in Austin
ISTAT Americas is just over one week away. Head to Austin 1-3 March and make key connections with industry leaders.
Austin is a popular leisure destination with 18 breweries and dozens of BBQ hot spots. Get to know Austin by taking part in the Austin BBQ and Brew Tour. Sign up for the tour when you register for ISTAT Americas.
If you are already registered, add the tour to your registration by clicking here.
Register today for ISTAT Americas.
ISTAT Chinese New Year Reception
On 6 February, approximately 150 ISTAT members and guests attended the ISTAT Chinese New Year Reception at Empress in Singapore. Attendees feasted on popular Chinese New Year dishes and enjoyed traditional festivities such as yusheng and the Lion Dance.
Photos of the reception are available to view and download.
ISTAT Board Elections
Voting for the ISTAT Board of Directors is now open and will close at 9:00 Central Standard Time on 2 March. To cast your vote, log in to your ISTAT member account, select “members only” from the menu and choose 2020 ISTAT Board Ballot. Information about candidates and qualifications can be found here.
Save the date for ISTAT's Upcoming Events
Don't forget that ISTAT’s Airline Focus Initiative provides qualifying airlines with complimentary attendance for up to two corporate members at all ISTAT events. Additional members from the corporate member airline receive a discount on the normal conference registration fees. Learn more about qualifications and event attendance details.
ISTAT Americas
1-3 March 2020
JW Marriott Austin
Austin, Texas, USA
4-6 October 2020
Hilton Istanbul Bomonti
Istanbul, Turkey
Farnborough Airshow
20-23 July 2020
Chalet: 20-23 July 2020
Reception: 20 July 2020
JW Marriott Grosvenor House London |
ISTAT Latin America Forum
11-12 November
Renaissance São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil
ISTAT Holiday Receptions
2 December 2020
Dublin, London, Miami, New York, Tokyo |
Thank You to New Members
ISTAT is pleased to announce its new and renewing members. Learn more about each member and connect with them by accessing the ISTAT Member Directory.
ISTAT Members on the Move
Congratulations to these ISTAT members on their new positions. Learn more.
Foundation Happenings
South Florida Golf Tournament
A special thank you to the sponsors and attendees of the Third Annual ISTAT Foundation South Florida Golf Tournament that took place on 10 February at Plantation Preserve Golf Course & Club in Plantation, Florida, USA. Over $64,000 was raised to support the Foundation’s charitable giving programs.
Attend other golf tournaments benefiting the ISTAT Foundation throughout the year: ISTAT Americas, June in Chicago, September in Dublin and October in Horseshoe Bay, Texas (Jetran Golf Tournament).
Grants Program – Call for Applications
The ISTAT Foundation offers grant funding to nonprofit organizations around the globe that advance commercial aviation. Applications for the 2020 ISTAT Foundation Grants Program are now open. The application deadline is 1 May. Learn more about the ISTAT Foundation Grants Program.
Do you know of a qualified candidate? Contact
Is Your Company Looking for Qualified Interns?
The ISTAT Foundation Internship Portal is open for ISTAT members to post 2020 summer internships and graduate placements. Companies are encouraged to post open positions on the portal as soon as possible to ensure interest from the best candidates.
The ISTAT Foundation’s Internship Program acts as an intermediary between ISTAT member companies and students seeking aviation internships. Through the use of a web portal, qualified students and employers are able to match the right skills, background and interests with corporate internships. Placed interns who qualify will receive a stipend from the ISTAT Foundation to cover qualified housing and travel expenses of up to $2,500. Click here to learn more.
Connect with the ISTAT Foundation on Social Media
LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
ISTAT Appraisers Program
ISTAT Americas: ISTAT Appraisers Program Business Meeting and Continuing Education
The IAP will be hosting its Business Meeting and Continuing Education session in conjunction with ISTAT Americas on Sunday, 1 March from 11:00- 17:00. Lunch will be provided.
Attendance is limited to IAP members, the IAP Board of Governors and invited guests.
ISTAT Appraising - An Introduction at ISTAT Americas
As part of ISTAT Americas, the ISTAT Appraisers Program will once again offer ISTAT Appraising – An Introduction (Formerly Appraising 101) for those interested in the practice of appraising, or those interested in learning more about appraisals and what they mean. Plan to attend this event, Sunday, 1 March from 15:30-17:00 in Room 406 of the JW Marriott Austin.
This complimentary session hosted by ISTAT Certified Appraisers features an inside look at the ISTAT Appraisers Program, aircraft appraisal fundamentals and steps to becoming an appraiser. It will also address commonly asked questions about appraisals for those who use them
Contact Samantha Kirby at to register.
IAP Board of Governor (IBG) Nominations
Requests for nominations will be distributed to the ISTAT membership by the end of the month. There are two non-appraiser seats up for election, each to serve for two years. The ISTAT Board of Directors selects the non-appraiser members of the IBG.
The IBG has the responsibility to administer, oversee, and modify standards and procedures of appraisal practice and the Code of Ethics. In addition, the IGB governs the ISTAT Appraisers Program. It also has the responsibility of hearing, reviewing and ruling upon any disciplinary action that may have to be taken should an ISTAT Certified Appraiser be brought before the board for allegedly violating the rules, Code of Ethics, or established appraisal practice standards and procedures.
ISTAT Appraising – An Introduction Online Tutorial
An online offering of ISTAT Appraising – An Introduction is available for ISTAT members. This tutorial provides a brief history of the ISTAT Appraisers Program (IAP), and an introduction to the fundamentals of appraising using ISTAT definitions and theory. All ISTAT members interested in learning more about appraising are encouraged to take the 90-minute course. This course is also required for those interested in becoming an ISTAT Certified Appraiser. Click here to learn more.
Jetrader Magazine
Read Dick Forsberg’s ISTAT EMEA Keynote Address
The Winter 2019 issue of Jetrader magazine included an edited transcript of Dick Forsberg’s ISTAT EMEA keynote, “An Industry in Transition.”
The Spring 2020 issue of the magazine will be available at ISTAT Americas and features an interview with this year’s ISTAT Award winner, a recap of the 2019 ISTAT Latin America Forum, photos from the 2019 ISTAT Holiday Receptions and more.
As always, you can view past issues of Jetrader online. View the archive.
Have a Story to Share?
Jetrader is circulated to ISTAT members on a quarterly basis. Each issue of Jetrader highlights industry news and case studies, and contains feature articles and member spotlights.
We are accepting article submissions for 2020. If you are interested in sharing your expertise and contributing to the content of Jetrader, please contact Managing Editor Alexa Schlosser at