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ISTAT Members Between Jobs Application

Please fill out the form below to apply for ISTAT's Members Between Jobs program. 

To qualify for a complimentary 12 month membership (“Transition Membership”), you must have been a member of ISTAT for the past five (5) or more consecutive years and are eligible to apply for this benefit once every five years.

To qualify for complimentary registration to conferences (ISTAT Americas, Asia, EMEA, and LATAM), you must have been a member of ISTAT for the past five (5) or more consecutive years and attended three (3) or more ISTAT Conference/Forums in prior five years. Complimentary conference/forum admission will be granted once under this program within 12 months. (Note: this benefit does NOT apply to event add-ons such as golf, tours, etc.)

You will receive a response from ISTAT within 72 hours regarding the status of your application.
