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Airline Focus Initiative

Airline Membership

ISTAT invites qualifying airlines from around the world to join ISTAT with a complimentary airline membership. The primary target within an airline shall be those individuals directly involved in: Aircraft trading, Aircraft finance and/or Fleet planning.

Each participating airline must abide by the following criteria:

Airline Membership Criteria - Qualifying airlines are defined by ISTAT as organizations with a current commercial airline operating certificate who are actively providing scheduled or charter commercial passenger and/or freight service using large commercial transport aircraft. To be considered for free membership and conference registration, the airline MUST provide their airline operating certificate identification number.

Free Membership - A free corporate membership will cover up to ten members. Additional members may join ISTAT at a reduced rate of $300/year. To maintain a "Free" corporate membership for each subsequent year, an airline must continue to satisfy the airline criteria above.

Free Conference Attendance - Up to two corporate members from each airline shall be allowed to attend the ISTAT Americas, EMEA, Asia, Latin America and Freighter Forums as guests of ISTAT with no registration fees. The airline representatives attending each event (if any) must be one of the airline individuals covered by the corporate membership. Existing corporate airline members should reach out to to receive a registration code for each event. Additional members from the corporate member airline shall receive a discount off the normal conference registration fees.

If your company is an airline interested in joining ISTAT and your company can meet the criteria above, please fill out the Airline Membership Application to submit to ISTAT Headquarters for approval. If you have any questions, please contact with any questions or concerns.

Instructions to Submit an Airline Membership Application:

  1. Click the Airline Membership Application button below
  2. Fill in your personal information & proceed to the next step
  3. Fill in your company information & proceed to the next step
  4. Choose Purchase an Organization Membership
  5. Select Airline - Up to 10 Individuals
  6. Click Next and complete the process

Note: You will not be required to submit payment as your airline membership, if approved, is free through ISTAT's Airline Focus Initiative. ISTAT Headquarters will contact you once you have completed the process above to finish your application and share status of approval. 

Airline Membership Application
