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Featuring Gerry Butler, Chief Marketing Officer, Merx Aviation Finance, and Jep Thornton, Partner, Aerolease Aviation, LLC

Get a ringside seat as two ISTAT Past Presidents ROAR. In one corner, cheer on Gerry Butler, Chief Marketing Officer, Merx Aviation Finance, who will take the view of: "Recovery. What recovery? We may never get back to where we were." In the other corner, cheer on Jep Thornton, Managing Partner, Aerolease Aviation, as he takes the opposing view of: "The recovery is here and it’s time to lock ‘n load!" Refereeing this verbal stoush is another well-known industry leader, Pete Seidlitz, President, Bristol Associates, Inc. Watch live or on-demand for knockout blows - no time for TKOs here. Expect lots of good craic (or tears) mixed with some perspective on the industry’s outlook.
