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ISTAT Appraisers Guidance on COVID-19: Spring 2020

In order to provide relevant and critical information to the ISTAT community, in April 2020 the ISTAT Appraisers Program (IAP) conducted an on-line survey to ascertain what kind of actions and respective timing each appraisal firm might be undertaking to provide any COVID-19 related market developments and guidance. The survey responses were captured the first two weeks of April and are a point in time snapshot. It is important to note that this is purely for informational purposes, and is being provided as high-level guidance and should not be considered definitive in nature. Given that we are in unprecedented times, we expect the market to be and will remain fluid for the foreseeable future.

Below are links to the survey results as well as individual company responses to the questions asked. Contact information for individual companies are included within these documents, should you have any questions on the survey itself, please contact Jeff Straebler, IAP Executive Director at

Individual Firm Responses

Click each firm name to view their individual responses. 

This information is intended to be for the use of ISTAT members only. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this information or any attachments by an individual or entity without the express written consent of the ISTAT Appraisers Program is prohibited. ISTAT does not endorse firms and/or services provided by the member firms listed.
